Huntington Beach Removes Democratic Process by Passing a Flag Ordinance

Town Hall Meeting with Mayor Strickland & Public Safety

Surfers' Hall of Fame announces 2023 Honorees

HB.NEWS Podcast Episode Two

Why Huntington Beach's Opposition to Affordable Housing Deserves a Lawsuit

Huntington Beach's Refusal to Follow State Housing Law Leads to Confrontation with California Attorney General

Governor Gavin Newsom and Huntington Beach in Legal Battle Over Affordable Housing Mandates: A Look at the Debate over Local Control

Lawsuit Filed by California Against Huntington Beach Alleging Violation of Affordable Housing Laws

California Files Lawsuit Against City for Insufficient Affordable Housing, 'Poster Child for Nimbyism'

Governor Press Release: California Sues Huntington Beach for violating State Housing Laws

Huntington Beach Mayor Tony Strickland Responds

Huntington Beach City Attorney Michael Gates Discusses Low-Income Housing Proposal and California's Population Exodus

Huntington Beach Takes Legal Action Against State's Housing Mandates

Press Conference: Huntington Beach announces lawsuit against state of California

Read the Lawsuit filed by Huntington Beach City Attorney

On the Menu: Mama's on 39 in Huntington Beach serves unique comfort food

HB residents gets a new Sergeant

Huntington Beach City Council Meeting Video March 7

2 members of Huntington Beach leadership team resign, both headed to Irvine